Saturday, November 21, 2020

Universal Human Speech Alphabetic Law 2018

 I made this discovery at the end of 2018.  Since then I have been trying to let people know about it through Quora, Facebook, online newspaper, emailing many linguistics all over the world, etc...  but still, I have not gotten famous yet, it seems like everyone were too smart to believe in something as rediculous or farfetched as this.  

I worry about when this discovery is known to the world everyone probably have already seen so much other discoveries that have so much resemblance to this one, and it would be so diluted it would not make any difference.

What is it?

It is the Human Universal Alphabet, the one at the heart of all the others from the times of ancient to the present day, and this one is the law of Nature for the human speech languages.

Based on what writing system was this discovery growing on?

It was based on the currently-used writing system in Vietnam, which I, too, now believed was discovered by Francisco De Pina. According to Tuoi Tre News, Roland Jaques had found Pina's works while was doing his research on Vietnamese writing system.  

What Francisco De Pina discovered?

It has been several hundred years since Francisco De Pina, who wrote down the vowels system for the Vietnamese speech sounds.  He did not only make new invention of letters, but rather, he also made new discovery of new letters for the Vietnamese vowels. The IPA Linguistics Linguists probably still don't know this yet.


The Circles Of Vowels - YouTube

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